From time to time, we will offer special workshops. We may offer series exploring different yogic texts/philosophies/styles, or provide tutorials on how to use props to make poses more accessible or even more challenging, or offer ways to build toward finding a greater sense of strength and stability or stretch and release in a particular pose or practice.
To help us plan and provide more of what you're looking for, PLEASE SHARE your feedback! Is there a pose that you struggle with or want to "master" but don't feel confident attempting on your own? Do you want to learn more about the "why" behind a particular pose or pose group? For instance, do you wonder why anyone might need to practice Mayurasana, aka Peacock (the asana depicted here)? Hint: this fierce arm balance became Annie's "pandemic pose" when she learned some of the lore behind it.
How about you? Did you have a pandemic pose goal or practice? Something that helped you stay strong and well or calm and at peace during challenging times? Please share more! We welcome your questions/thoughts/concerns from, "how do I stay safe in inversions or arm balances?" to, "how do I strengthen the 'weak links' in my body that may inhibit my ability to move freely or sit comfortably?"
Thanks in advance for sharing and if you prefer to share more privately, please send us an email!